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Cardiovascular diseases, the number-one killer of men and women, claims the lives of almost 40% of the more than 2.4 million Americans who die each year. Today, about 64 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease.

One of the most important realizations in medicine in the last decade has been the widespread acceptance of the fact that important aspects of our health are directly under our personal control.  For example, physicians now understand that an individual's chances of developing heart disease and some types of cancer are strongly influenced by our diet and behavior.

Scientific developments reported in the last few years have given us methods of slowing the manifestations of the aging process and preventing many degenerative diseases. Our future health and our personal life expectancy are potentially under our individual control to a far greater extent than is generally recognized.

We recognize the medical establishment is agonizingly slow at grasping new concepts. They do wake up to scientific reality when they smell an opportunity to earn tens of billions of dollars.

Life Extension  has  warned long ago about the dangers of excess C-reactive protein in the blood as a marker for inflammation and cardiovascular diseases.

Normally, inflammation is a healthy immune response to injury, illness, or infection. Inflammation brings isolates, marks and consumes bad bacteria and cells. However, when healing is complete, the process should shut down! But sometimes it doesn't.

When inflammation fires and flare-ups burn out of control, trouble follows that can harm the rest of your body! It can actually start destroying good cells in your joint linings, arteries, organs and other body parts!
Lowering chronic inflammation is one of the most important things you can do for overall good health. Long term health problems caused by chronic inflammation can do damage for years. Then, you start feeling joint aches, muscle tenderness, swelling, and other symptoms (that people often ascribe to aging).
Even worse, as inflammation slowly breaks down good tissue, it can become a root cause of many of the diseases listed above.
We often think these diseases just “happen”. In reality, one major cause is that healthy body cells have been destroyed over years! It makes sense – and more doctors and researchers agree – that, if you extinguish excessive inflammation, you can keep your joints flexible and ache-free and your organs and overall health much better!

C-reactive protein is a marker of inflammation.
Chronic inflammation is easily detected by high C-Reactive Protein (CRP) blood levels, and is a cause of atherosclerosis (hardened and blocked blood vessels). Published studies indicate that elevated (high) C-reactive protein may be a greater risk factor than high cholesterol in predicting heart attack and especially stroke risk.

There are many natural methods to lower C-reactive protein.
The pharmaceutical industry favors using statin drugs: an unnatural way to reduce C-reactive protein. While statin drugs are prescribed to lower LDL
(low-density lipoprotein) and total cholesterol, statin drugs also reduce heart attack and stroke risk by suppressing C-reactive protein.

A clinical study was sponsored by a pharmaceutical company to see if its patented statin drug (Crestor®) would reduce heart attack and stroke risk if given to people with moderate LDL levels, but excess C-reactive protein.

The results revealed a 43% reduction in various types of vascular disease after less than two years. You may be quick to conclude that the drug is very effective but wait and let me show you the analysis.

These data are impressive on the surface, but the study exposed a harsh reality that Life Extension have voiced alarming concern about for decades.

As you will read, Crestor® significantly reduced heart attack-stroke incidence, but there were still a startling number of heart attacks and strokes in people whose LDL levels plummeted to extremely low levels.

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