Friday, 20 March 2015



y Dr. Mercola
Do you want to live to be at least 100 like I do? This is quite achievable today, but living that long loses much of its appeal if you aren’t healthy for the duration.
One excellent tool for increasing both health AND longevity is intermittent fasting, i.e. an eating schedule in which you feast on some days and dramatically cut your consumption on others.
One of the downsides to the modern Western lifestyle is eating too frequently, which makes your body lazy about performing its repair and rejuvenation operations. Intermittent fasting effectively mimics the eating habits of our ancestors, who did not have access to grocery stores or food around the clock.
They cycled through periods of feast and famine, and modern research shows this cycling imparts a number of health benefits, such as improved cardiovascular health, better metabolic function, and reduced cancer risk.
If the very thought of fasting makes you shudder with anxiety, then you’re in luck! EFT (emotional freedom technique) practitioner Julie Schiffman has a great video for reducing your anxiety about fasting.
EFT is a powerful energy psychology tool that has helped hundreds of thousands overcome emotional challenges. It uses acupuncture meridians to help neutralize electrical brain disturbances that emotional wounding can cause.
I strongly recommend tapping along with her if you have any hesitation at all about fasting. Being in the right mindset is 90 percent of the challenge, and EFT is a highly effective tool toward that end.

Intermittent Fasting Rejuvenates Your Blood and Immune System

A study published in Cell Stem Cell1discovered that intermittent fasting causes your body to beef up your immune system by getting rid of damaged white blood cells and replacing them with new ones, shifting stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal. Fasting essentially hits your body’s “reset button.”
Researchers from the University of Southern California found that during prolonged fasting, your white blood count drops, but when you resume eating, this count goes up.
Upon investigating this phenomenon, researchers found that people’s bodies were purging out the old, damaged immune cells, and then replacing them with new ones. 

Read full article here

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